Tuesday 28 May 2013

Tulips, tulips everywhere.

The Netherlands is the world's largest exporter of flowers, and yes, especially tulips! So a few weekends ago we went to experience it at Keukenhof, a massive park of flowers in the North-East of the Netherlands. It's the world's largest flower garden: 32 hectares of pretty, filled with 7 MILLION FLOWERS.
In the 15th Century it was a hunting ground, but in 1949 a flower exhibition was held to promote Dutch flower exports. Somewhere along the way someone got carried away. 7 million flowers kind of carried away.

So we basically spent the day taking pictures, frolicking and cooing over how pretty it all was.  It was all very cheerful and uplifting :)
I thought about adding some fun facts about tulips- like apparently tulips were behind the first economic bubble, called 'tulip mania'. But what tulips are really about is being pretty! Click here if you really want words instead of flowers.
Frolicking in tulips


Look, more flowers!


Different coloured flowers!

A tree! With flowers under it!

A whimsical mix of flowers :D

A river of flowers!!

Look! There are some flowers!

Even tulips rebel sometimes

Rows and rows of tulips!



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